Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The World-Wide Smarty Pants Homeschool Exchange!!!

I am so excited to introduce The World-Wide Smarty Pants Homeschool Exchange!!!

Our little family had the brilliant idea to set up a group exchange open to anyone in the world as a way to learn more about other locations AND to meet some new friends! Interested? Keep reading to learn more!

The idea is that you will be paired with someone in another part of the country or even another part of the world from you! Your family will put together a fun learning package about your area and you will send it off to your partner! In the meantime, a package will be prepared and sent to you! Super fun, right??

*This is open to anyone in the world. It is geared toward homeschoolers, but all are welcome!!  (Homeschoolers are cool and welcoming like that!)

*Packages should contain items that will help the recipient learn more about your area- in a fun way!

*Sign up by the end of March. I will send out your partner information the first of April. Ship your package(s) by the end of April. (You may sign up for more than one package exchange.)

Email me: homeschoolfrannie@gmail.com
               Please include: Names and ages of the children that wish to participate
                                        Number of packages you wish to exchange
                                        Email address
                                       Please list any household allergies in case the family
                                      shipping your package would like to send food items.

I'm not sure if the kids are more excited or I am! We really hope to have a lot of participation, so that this will spread all over the world!

(I will post updates on our facebook page. Feel free to keep up to date over there: http://www.facebook.com/SweetTHomeschool#!/SweetTHomeschool)

Feel free to contact me with any questions!!  Happy homeschooling!!


  1. I love this idea! I would love to participate but with tax season in full swing I'm not sure if I will have the time. Let me think on it and run it by the Big Guy.

  2. No problem!! Just let us know! You have the whole month of April to get your package together and out! :)

  3. We had a swap like this back a few, 10, years ago. It was fun. Here are some suggestions of things you could swap.
    My son collected rocks and a family in Washington state send beach sand, rocks, shells and a small piece of driftwood in a small plastic box. We still have them in a shadowbox we made.
    Another requested dirt from our backyard. They were interested in the kinds of soils around the world.
    Some other items we recieved and sent were postcards of the area, refrigerator magnets of the state, regional foods, pressed wildflowers we had pressed from our home state, leaves for leaf projects, craft supplies that were requested, homemade works of art.
    Fossils, acorns, envelope art, art trading cards the kids made. Etc.
    I hope you all have as much fun with this as we did.

  4. I love the idea! Especially to help show Annie how places are different all over the world! Love the idea of sensory box things like "great" Georgia red clay, rocks from here & maybe info or things from Stone Mountain, etc. And for us to maybe get things from such a different region and trade art work. So cool! What kid DOESN'T LIKE getting MAIL?! :D I think I am really interested in this. Sign us up! THANKS!

  5. Thanks again for putting this project together, I'm really looking forward to it! :)

  6. If you have any other families that are late to the dance, we would be excited to share with them!

  7. Hi Meg! If you can send me all the information (exactly as requested above) by this evening, I can squeeze you in! :) I'm going to start emailing package partners tomorrow, so I could still get you in.

    Thanks so much!

  8. Wow! After sending 2 packages and spending quite a bit of money to do so, my kids were so excited but we never received anything in return. I also have sent you 2 emails asking to ensure we were paired up but I never heard back from you. It is very disappointing!
